Gift Basket E-Commerce Business

If you want more customers, you should be online.

It can be anything from a simple one-page online brochure to a full-fledged ecommerce business.  But even if your business is local only, people will look for you on the web.  When you attend that next networking event and hand out your business card, people that are interested in your products and services will check you out on the Internet before calling you.  They’ll want to see the types of designs that you create, your prices, and even any testimonials.  They’ll read your About Me page to learn more about who they will be working with.


Are You Telling Your Story? (and why you should)

In the fall of 1933, while attending a party at her sorority, the vivacious young Lucile Salter was introduced to David Packard. But David wasn’t … Continue

Plan Your Blog From the Beginning

Plan Your Blog from the Beginning

Planning your blog from the beginning will save you time and headaches. One thing I’ve learned is that no one feels comfortable when they first … Continue

Does Your Business Need a Website?

Does Your Business Need a Website?

I’ve heard many business owners say they think they “should” get a website.  They’re not quite sure how to get one or what they will … Continue

Website Platforms for your Gift Business

Website Platforms for Gift Businesses

In another article, we talked about whether you need a website.  Now that you have made the decision to have a website, I will give … Continue

View Your Website with Fresh Eyes

During a month when things are quieter is a good time to take another look at your website and decide if you can do anything … Continue

The Website Marketing Wheel

A website is not like the Field of Dreams.  You can’t just build it and hope your customers will come.  It takes marketing with a number … Continue

Are You Telling Your Story?

In the fall of 1933, while attending a party at her sorority, the vivacious young Lucile Salter was introduced to David Packard. But David wasn’t … Continue